Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday Night at the grocery store

So, here we have an infuriating case of HCWDB.

What makes this so infuriating? The headband! WTF? The only white guys who can get away with that are bald, have gigantic arms, or Brett Michaels.

This tool was seen with his trophy wife checking out. They obviously just came back from the gym or a run together. She was really fit and toned, which I was actually impressed by as she looked like the kinda chick that liked to be spoon fed breakfast in bed.

As you can notice in the photo, he suffers from chronic forgetting to also workout my leg muscles cause all chicks see is my arms - itis. I thought this affliction was limited to frat head fucks at Penn State, but I guess it has spread. He stayed in the above position the whole time, making a point to show everyone around he didn't have help his woman with the groceries- thats the bitch's job!

1 comment:

the guy who was banging your girlfriend while you were at my mom's said...

Looks like a good candidate for "Hot Chicks with DB's"...