Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Very little time to ride this week. It's hell week of the play, which means after Saturday I will have all the time in the world to ride. Huzzah.

I AM NOT LOOKING FOWARD TO LIVING ON CAMPUS AGAIN. That will make it 5 years of living on campus for me. I want my own place- a nice little apartment with a bedroom and a kitchen and living room. Thats all I want. A roomier place to keep my bikes. A couch and a television to relax. A kitchen to cook my own meals and control what I eat a little more.

Damnit... I know people say to stay in school as long as you can. But 5 years is a lot of college, especially on campus. And definatley if you are going to grad school for J.D./MBA.

More motivation to put my all into attempting to go pro. I want nothing more than to race my bike and travel the country/world.

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