Friday, July 17, 2009

What a rut

Found myself in a bit of a rut here. Had a fantastic run of racing and life in general there for a while. Then, I took a break. Few days off the bike, another week easy. That was the beginning of a downward slide, but it should have been the beginning of another period of tearing it up.

That's the way it goes though. Cycling and life. Just ebbs and flows.

I did get my cat 1 upgrade following the mess that was Fitchburg. That feels really good. It's sort of a symbol for all the dedication and sacrifice I have made to get to this level.

Though since then, I've been struggling to regain the form I had earlier in the season. Top it off with a hard crash at Fitchburg and a stupid, ridiculous crash in the Thursday night training series at Rodale last night, and I'm in need of a new groove. Some old DB last night decided he wanted to get in front of me. Too bad he didn't wait till he cleared my front wheel before swinging over and sticking his rear mech in front wheel sending me hurtling to the ground to reopen my wounds from Fitch.

I'll try and hit the track tomorrow morning so I can get an invite to Tuesday nights on the track and if my frame is good (it might have been f'ed up in the crash last night) I'll hit up Mullica on Sunday.

Hopefully it clears up for some good Friday night racing action. Need some beers, racin, and friends to lift the spirits.


Anonymous said...

I got your back with the beers bro

Matt Spohn said...

Beer me dude, beer me.