Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The mystery pooper

So every morning around 9 or 10 I make my way to the Men's room in search of a welcoming stall to perform my daily duties (pun intended).

Every so often, I swing open a stall door only to find a large turd sitting in the bowl. Immediately I am upset that there is someone in this company with no respect for his fellow man. But then it becomes a mystery. Because not only is there a giant turd floating in the bowl unchecked, but there is NO TOILET PAPER mingling with the offending bowel movement.

This means that some sick bastard sits down, takes a dump, says "You know what? I don't need to wipe my ass and because of that, I don't even need to flush." I'm sure the offender doesn't wash his hands either, because he didn't have to get his digits near his rectum.

I am totally at a loss here. I can't figure this one out. What is the motivation? Does he leave shit streaks on all his clothing? At one point I thought, maybe this dude is so proud at his ability to "ghost" a turd every time, that he has to show it off. But then I came across several instances where the turd was clearly not ghost-able. At least by modern standards.

Anyone got any ideas on this one? Its freakin' me out.


bikepennst8 said...

as I sit in my Rehoboth Beach hotel room, I am cracking up...

"not ghostable, at least by modern standards"


Erik said...

Dude... they are floaters!! I'm willing to bet that turds you're talking about are all bobbing on the surface right? Not the dense suckers that sit on the bottom and leave skid marks. So when your predecessor flushes the toilet, there's not quite enough water to push all the junk out... and because the turd floats, it slides back up into the bowl because it wasn't pushed far enough into the piping.....